Writing Basic SQL SELECT Statements

Basic SELECT Statement

Selecting All Columns

Selecting Specific Columns

Writing SQL Statements

Column Heading Defaults

Arithmetic Expressions

Using Arithmetic Operators

Operator Precedence

Using Parentheses

Defining a Null Value

Null Values in Arithmetic Expressions

Defining a Column Alias

Using Column Aliases

Concatenation Operator

Using the Concatenation Operator

Literal Character Strings

Using Literal Character Strings

Duplicate Rows

Eliminating Duplicate Rows
Restricting and Sorting Data

Limiting Rows Using a Selection

Limiting the Rows Selected

Using the WHERE Clause

Character Strings and Dates

Comparison Conditions

Using Comparison Conditions

Other Comparison Conditions

Using the BETWEEN Condition

Using the IN Condition

Using the LIKE Condition

Using the NULL Conditions

Logical Conditions

Using the AND Operator

Using the OR Operator

Using the NOT Operator

Rules of Precedence


Sorting in Descending Order

Sorting by Column Alias

Sorting by Multiple Columns
Single-Row Functions

SQL Function

Two Types of SQL Functions

Single-Row Functions

Single-Row Functions

Character Functions

Character Functions

Case Manipulation Functions

Using Case Manipulation Functions

Character-Manipulation Functions

Using the Character-Manipulation Functions

Number Functions

Using the ROUND Function

Using the TRUNC Function

Using the MOD Function

Working with Dates

Arithmetic with Dates

Using Arithmetic Operators with Dates

Date Functions

Using Date Functions

Practice 3, Part One:

Conversion Functions

Implicit Data Type Conversion

Explicit Data Type Conversion

Using the TO_CHAR Function with Dates

Elements of the Date Format Model

Using the TO_CHAR Function with Dates

Using the TO_CHAR Function with Numbers

Using the TO_NUMBER and TO_DATE Functions

RR Date Format

Example of RR Date Format

Nesting Functions

General Functions

NVL Function

Using the NVL Function

Using the NVL2 Function

Using the NULLIF Function

Using the COALESCE Function

Conditional Expressions

The CASE Expression

Using the CASE Expression

The DECODE Function

Using the DECODE Function
Displaying Data from Multiple Tables

Obtaining Data from Multiple Tables

Cartesian Products

Generating a Cartesian Product

Types of Joins

Joining Tables Using Oracle Syntax

What is an Equijoin?

Retrieving Records with Equijoins

Additional Search Conditions Using the AND Operator

Qualifying Ambiguous Column Names

Using Table Aliases

Joining More than Two Tables


Retrieving Records with Non-Equijoins

Outer Joins Outer Joins Syntax

Using Outer Joins

Self Joins

Joining a Table to Itself

Joining Tables Using SQL: 1999 Syntax

Creating Cross Joins

Creating Natural Joins

Retrieving Records with Natural Joins

Creating Joins with the USING Clause

Retrieving Records with the USING Clause

Creating Joins with the ON Clause

Retrieving Records with the ON Clause

Creating Three-Way Joins with the ON Clause

INNER Versus OUTER Joins




Additional Conditions
Aggregating Data Using Group Functions

What Are Group Functions?

Types of Group Functions

Group Functions Syntax

Using the AVG and SUM Functions

Using the MIN and MAX Functions

Using the COUNT Function

Using the DISTINCT Keyword

Group Functions and Null Values

Using the NVL Function with Group Functions

Creating Groups of Data

Creating Groups of Data: The GROUP BY Clause Syntax

Using the GROUP BY Clause

Grouping by More Than One Column

Using the GROUP BY Clause on Multiple Columns

Illegal Queries Using Group Functions

Excluding Group Results

Excluding Group Results: The HAVING Clause

Using the HAVING Clause

Nesting Group Functions


Using a Subquery to Solve a Problem

Subquery Syntax

Using a Subquery

Guidelines for Using Subqueries

Types of Subqueries

Single-Row Subqueries

Executing Single-Row Subqueries

Using Group Functions in a Subquery

The HAVING Clause with Subqueries

What is Wrong with this Statement?

Will this Statement Return Rows?

Multiple-Row Subqueries

Using the ANY Operator in Multiple-Row Subqueries

Using the ALL Operator in Multiple-Row Subqueries

Null Values in a Subquery
Manipulating Data

Data Manipulation Language

Adding a New Row to a Table

The INSERT Statement Syntax 8-5

Inserting New Rows

Inserting Rows with Null Values

Inserting Special Values

Inserting Specific Date Values

Creating a Script

Copying Rows from Another Table

Changing Data in a Table

The UPDATE Statement Syntax

Updating Rows in a Table

Updating Two Columns with a Subquery

Updating Rows Based on Another Table

Updating Rows: Integrity Constraint Error

Removing a Row from a Table

The DELETE Statement

Deleting Rows from a Table

Deleting Rows Based on Another Table

Deleting Rows: Integrity Constraint Error

Using a Subquery in an INSERT Statement

Using the WITH CHECK OPTION Keyword on DML Statements

Overview of the Explicit Default Feature

Using Explicit Default Values

The MERGE Statement

The MERGE Statement Syntax

Merging Rows

Database Transactions

Advantages of COMMIT and ROLLBACK Statements

Controlling Transactions

Rolling Back Changes to a Marker

Implicit Transaction Processing

State of the Data Before COMMIT or ROLLBACK

State of the Data after COMMIT

Committing Data

State of the Data After ROLLBACK

Statement-Level Rollback

Read Consistency

Implementation of Read Consistency


Implicit Locking

Read Consistency Example
Creating and Managing Tables

Database Objects

Naming Rules

The CREATE TABLE Statement

Referencing Another User?s Tables

The DEFAULT Option

Creating Tables

Tables in the Oracle Database

Querying the Data Dictionary 9-10

Data Types

DateTime Data Types





Creating a Table by Using a Subquery Syntax

Creating a Table by Using a Subquery

The ALTER TABLE Statement

Adding a Column

Modifying a Column

Dropping a Column


Dropping a Table

Changing the Name of an Object

Truncating a Table

Adding Comments to a Table
Including Constraints

What are Constraints?

Constraint Guidelines

Defining Constraints

The NOT NULL Constraint

The UNIQUE Constraint

The PRIMARY KEY Constraint

The FOREIGN KEY Constraint

FOREIGN KEY Constraint Keywords

The CHECK Constraint

Adding a Constraint Syntax

Adding a Constraint

Dropping a Constraint

Disabling Constraints

Enabling Constraints

Cascading Constraints

Viewing Constraints

Viewing the Columns Associated with Constraints
Creating Views

Database Objects

What is a View?

Why use Views?

Simple Views and Complex Views

Creating a View

Retrieving Data from a View

Querying a View

Modifying a View

Creating a Complex View

Rules for Performing DML Operations on a View

Using the WITH CHECK OPTION Clause

Denying DML Operations

Removing a View

Inline Views

Top-N Analysis

Performing Top-N Analysis

Example of Top-N Analysis
Other Database Objects

Database Objects

What is a Sequence?

The CREATE SEQUENCE Statement Syntax

Creating a Sequence

Confirming Sequences

NEXTVAL and CURRVAL Pseudocolumns

Using a Sequence

Modifying a Sequence

Guidelines for Modifying a Sequence

Removing a Sequence

What is an Index?

How Are Indexes Created?

Creating an Index

When to Create an Index

When Not to Create an Index

Confirming Indexes

Function-Based Indexes

Removing an Index

Creating and Removing Synonyms
Controlling User Access


Controlling User Access


System Privileges

Creating Users

User System Privileges

Granting System Privileges

What is a Role?

Creating and Granting Privileges to a Role

Changing Your Password

Object Privileges

Granting Object Privileges

Using the WITH GRANT OPTION and PUBLIC Keywords

Confirming Privileges Granted

How to Revoke Object Privileges

Revoking Object Privileges

Database Links
SQL Workshop

Workshop Overview
Using SET Operators

The SET Operators

Tables Used in This Lesson

The UNION Operator

Using the UNION Operator

The UNION ALL Operator

Using the UNION ALL Operator

The INTERSECT Operator

Using the INTERSECT Operator

The MINUS Operator

SET Operator Guidelines

The Oracle Server and SET Operators

Matching the SELECT Statements

Controlling the Order of Rows
Enhancements to the GROUP BY Clause

Review of Group Functions

Review of the GROUP BY Clause

Review of the HAVING Clause

GROUP BY with ROLLUP and CUBE Operators

ROLLUP Operator

ROLLUP Operator Example

CUBE Operator

CUBE Operator: Example


GROUPING Function: Example



Composite Columns

Composite Columns: Example

Concatenated Groupings

Concatenated Groupings Example
Advanced Subqueries

What Is a Subquery?


Using a Subquery

Multiple-Column Subqueries

Column Comparisons

Pairwise Comparison Subquery

Nonpairwise Comparison Subquery

Using a Subquery in the FROM Clause

Scalar Subquery Expressions

Scalar Subqueries: Examples

Correlated Subqueries

Using Correlated Subqueries

Using the EXISTS Operator

Using the NOT EXISTS Operator

Correlated UPDATE

Correlated DELETE

The WITH Clause

WITH Clause: Example
Hierarchical Retrieval

Sample Data from the EMPLOYEES Table

Natural Tree Structure

Hierarchical Queries

Walking the Tree

Walking the Tree: From the Bottom Up

Walking the Tree: From the Top Down

Ranking Rows with the LEVEL Pseudocolumn

Formatting Hierarchical Reports Using LEVEL and LPAD

Pruning Branches
Extensions to DML and DDL Statements

Review of the INSERT Statement

Review of the UPDATE Statement

Overview of Multitable INSERT Statements

Overview of Multitable INSERT Statements

Types of Multitable INSERT Statements

Multitable INSERT Statements

Unconditional INSERT ALL

Conditional INSERT ALL

Conditional FIRST INSERT

Pivoting INSERT

External Tables

Creating an External Table

Example of Creating an External Table

Querying External Tables

Part I: Programming in PL/SQL

Introduction to PL/SQL

What Is PL/SQL?

The Origins of PL/SQL

About PL/SQL Versions

Resources for PL/SQL Developers
Creating and Running PL/SQL Code


Performing Essential PL/SQL Tasks

Calling PL/SQL from Other Languages

Language Fundamentals

PL/SQL Block Structure

The PL/SQL Character Set



The Semicolon Delimiter


The PRAGMA Keyword

Part II: PL/SQL Program Structure

Conditional and Sequential Control

IF Statements

CASE Statements and Expressions

The GOTO Statement

The NULL Statement

Iterative Processing with Loops
Loop Basics

The Simple Loop

The WHILE Loop

The Numeric FOR Loop

The Cursor FOR Loop

Loop Labels

Tips for Iterative Processing
Exception Handlers

Exception-Handling Concepts and Terminology

Defining Exceptions

Raising Exceptions

Handling Exceptions

Building an Effective Error Management Architecture

Making the Most of PL/SQL Error Management
Part III: PL/SQL Program Data

Working with Program Data

Naming Your Program Data

Overview of PL/SQL Datatypes

Declaring Program Data

Programmer-Defined Subtypes

Conversion Between Datatypes

String Datatypes

Working with Strings

String Function Quick Reference

Numeric Datatypes

Number Conversions

Numeric Functions

Records in PL/SQL

Collections Overview

Collection Methods (Built-Ins)

Working with Collections

Nested Table Multiset Operations

Maintaining Schema-Level Collections
Miscellaneous Datatypes

The BOOLEAN Datatype

The RAW Datatype

The UROWID and ROWID Datatypes

The LOB Datatypes

Working with LOBs

Predefined Object Types
Part IV: SQL in PL/SQL

DML and Transaction Management


Bulk DML with the FORALL Statement

Transaction Management

Autonomous Transactions
Data Retrieval

Cursor Basics

Working with Implicit Cursors

Working with Explicit Cursors



Cursor Variables and REF CURSORs

Cursor Expressions
Procedures, Functions, and Parameters




Local Modules

Module Overloading

Forward Declarations

Advanced Topics

Go Forth and Modularize!

Why Packages?

Rules for Building Packages

Rules for Calling Packaged Elements

Working with Package Data

When to Use Packages

Packages and Object Types

DML Triggers

DDL Triggers

Database Event Triggers



Maintaining Triggers
Managing PL/SQL Code

Managing Code in the Database

Using Native Compilation

Using the Optimizing Compiler and Compile-Time Warnings

Conditional Compilation

Testing PL/SQL Programs

Debugging PL/SQL Programs

Tuning PL/SQL Programs

Protecting Stored Code
I/O and PL/SQL

Displaying Information

Reading and Writing Files

Sending Email

Working with Web-Based Data (HTTP)

Other Types of I/O Available in PL/SQL