SQT Syllabus
Manual Testing - Course Summary
Basics Of Software Testing

Definition of Software testing

Importance of Software Testing

Why do we test?

What is the Purpose of Software Testing?

Types of Software
Software Development process

Project basis

Product basis
Software Quality Assurance (SQA)

Advantages of SQA
- Improved Customer satisfaction
- Reduced cost of Development
- Reduced cost of maintenance

Software Quality Control
Quality Control Activities

Difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control

Verification and Validation

CMM Level and ISO
Software Development Life Cycle

SDLC Models
- Water Fall Model
- V Model
- Agile model
- Spiral Model
- Prototype Model
- RAD Model
- Iterative Model / Evolutionary Model
- Incremental Model

Process improvement models
Test Plan
Software Testing Life Cycle

Software Testing Life Cycle phases:
- Requirements Analysis
- Test Planning
- Test Analysis
- Test Design
- Construction and verification
- Testing Cycles
- Final Testing and Implementation
- Post Implementation
Software Testing Methods

White box testing

Black box testing

Gray box testing
Software Testing Techniques

Equivalence Partitioning

Boundary Value Analysis
Levels of Testing

Unit testing

Integration testing

Component interface testing

System testing

Acceptance testing
Types of testing

Unit Testing

Integration Testing

Functional Testing

System Testing

Stress Testing

Performance Testing

Usability Testing etc.

Acceptance Testing

Regression Testing

Beta Testing etc.
Test Case Design Techniques
Defect Management

Defect / Bug / Error / Fault / Latency bug / Defect Leakage

Bug Life Cycle

Happy Path

Bug tracking manual/Bug Report

Bug Tracking using Defect Tracking tool / Defect Log

Defect Closed / re-open
Test Management
Overview of Database

SQL Queries

Select, Insert, update, Delete and Create queries

Basic knowledge of Database Testing
Based on real time Software Testing Procedures
Testing Matrices

RTM (Requirements Traceability Matrix )

Variance Report

Execution Matrix


Weekly Matrices