Introduction to .NET

Introduction of Language

Introduction of Web Application

Platform Dependence , Independence & Portability

Introduction of .NET Framework

Introduction of Compiler & MSIL

Introduction of CLR

Introduction of CLS, CTS, CLI
OOPs Implementation

Encapsulation, Abstraction, Class & object

Relation b/w objects and reference variables

Method Overloading & Types of Methods

Description of Memory blocks: Stacks, Heap & Class Area

Constructors and Destructor & Garbage Collection

Using Scope & Dispose Method

Usage of this keyword

Static Data members, Constructors & methods

Relation & Implementing Has-A relation

Implementing Is-A relation using Inheritance

Method Overriding & Hiding

Usage of Base keyword

Static & Dynamic binding

Runtime polymorphism and generalization

Abstract classes & methods

Interfaces and Role based Inheritance

Usage of sealed, partial, out, ref, pram keyword


Assembly & GAC

Property & Indexer

Windows Application

Delegates & Event

Event Handling

Windows App. Component.

Object class and its role
String Handling

String class & concept of Immutability

Pool of String Constants & its use

Common String operations

Use of String Builder
Exception Handling

Difference b/w exception and error

Exception Handling & Robustness

Common Exceptions and Errors

Try and catch block

Exception handlers

throw keyword and its usage

Role of finally

Exception Class Methods & properties

Creating User defined Exceptions
Multithreading in .NET

Multitasking and Multithreading

Process & thread

States of Thread

Thread based execution model of .NET Applications

Implementing User threads

Thread synchronization

Inter Thread communication

Thread Interrupting

Daemon Threads and their use
Input Output Streams

Streams & their advantages over conventional input output

Reading & writing data byte by byte, line by line, and in one go.

Redirecting Standard input & output streams

Serialization & Deserialization

Serialization Formatter

Xml Formatter

Binary Formatter

Soap Formatter

Json Formatter

File class and File System Interaction

Zip & Unzip Files

Understanding object representation of classes

Loading classes dynamically

Instantiating classes indirectly

Obtaining information of classes dynamically

Invoking methods indirectly

Referencing data members indirectly

Overriding access policy and referencing private members
Collection Framework

Role and Importance of Collection Framework

Index Based Collection Array List, Stack, Queue

Use Define Collection

Map Based Collection Use of Key & Value pair (Entry)

Hash Table, Sorted List

Searching elements in List, Hash and Tree based collections

Role of equals and hashCode() methods

Role of Comparable interfaces

Type safety and Generics

Generic Collection

List ,Stack ,Queue ,Dictionary ,Linked List ,Sorted List